How to Make a Girl Want You?

Love! This four letter word is all around us but still so difficult for many guys to find. Girls are god’s greatest and beautiful gift to men, but they are also the most complicated creatures on the earth. If you like a girl but don’t know how to get her interested in you, then this article will help you by giving some guidelines to make a girl want you.

Guys see an amazing girl which is funny, beautiful and intelligent and want her to be into you. Talking to girls can make some guys tremble, especially shy and reserved guys who are not sure of themselves or some men who are insecure about their looks. Many guys are not aware that looks are not all that important to girls. In fact, there are lots of guys who are not attractive but still have a girl. So for all kind of guys, here are some useful tips to getting a girl to want you.

how to make a girl want you

Ways to Make a Girl Want You:

1.) Listen and Respond

The number one complaint of girls is that guys don’t listen. When a girl is talking, listen to her what she is saying. Don’t stare at her as it doesn’t look good. Listen to her carefully and give an intelligent response. Men can’t talk as much as women can. So how much you talk, your talk make sense.

2.) Be Her Hero

Whenever she is in trouble or worried about something, then try to help her and make her feel better. When she cries in front of you that means she expects your shoulder. It is very difficult to see a girl with tears. So make her stop crying by supporting.

  • If she is in trouble then ask her to help but don’t insist her. Be patient and supportive with anything she goes through.
  • If she likes you already then do something to impress her like cook for her.

3.) Be Confident and Cool to Make a Girl Want You

Being confident will help you to date a girl. Women don’t like those guys who have issues with insecurity. Your appearance and cleanliness is very important to make a girl like you. Girls don’t like those guys who always keep calm and don’t talk much. Most of the boys shiver when they meet a girl first time, which is wrong. Even if you are uncomfortable to meet her first time then don’t show it outside. Instead, be cool and confident and meet like that you know her for a very long time. This confidence will surely attract her toward you.

  • Having a good personal hygiene will make you feel confident. Always be sure to look and smell nice.
  • Stay fit and do work out daily.
  • Don’t be frustrated or sad all the time in front of her.

4.) Surprise Her

Most of the girls like surprises especially gifts. So use this technique to make a girl want you. You will get to know what she likes and don’t like while talking to a girl. Once in a while, she might have told you what she likes to eat and where she wants to go.  If you want to make her like you then bring her to that place which will surprise her. You can also surprise her by making a lovely dinner on your own. Usually, girls don’t want to propose guys at first.

5.) Be Charming to Make a Girl Want You

Most guys are charming in different ways. Here are some charming ideas that will help you to attract a woman.

  • You should be a gentleman. That means paying for a date, opening doors, keeping your word, offer her chair etc. Girls like a gentleman care about them.
  • Make her laugh. Girls love guys who can turn anything into a joke and can make fun of yourself.
  • You should be intelligent. That means you should know about traveling, books of different authors, current affairs, cuisines etc. Girls like smart guys.

6.) Don’t Flirt with Other Girls

A girl might like you but if she sees you talking or dancing with another girl, then that could create a problem for you. Make sure she knows that you are interested in only her. Don’t flirt with other girls.

  • If you are hanging out with your friends who are also girls then she will feel safer with you because other girls are comfortable in hanging out with you. If you never hang out with any women then it could be a sign that you are illiterate.

7.) Compliment Her

Almost all women like if someone compliments her. Give her some compliments. Don’t overdo it because it seems that you are too needy or obsessive. A well-placed compliment can make any girl remember you for days.

  • When you compliment, be sincere. Figure out what you like in her most and then tell her. It is true then it will automatically seem as sincere.
  • Compliment her according to how she sees herself. If she views of herself as thinker then praise her smarts. If she views of herself as an athlete, then praise her athletic skills.
  • Consider her personality, not her appearance. If you want to compliment about her appearance then stay away from feminine areas and stick to complimenting hair, smile, lips, eyes and clothes.

8.) Give Her a Reason to Remind You

Sing or hum a popular song, share your favorite places, talk about your favorite movies and anything that will make her think about you when you are not around her. When she will see a movie which you have talked about then she will think of you.

9.) Text Her to Make a Girl Want You

  • Text her in a playful way and tease her. Teasing shows that you have confidence with girls and that will build up an attraction.
  • Don’t over text as too much texting will destroy attraction with girls.
  • Make a girl feel special over text by letting her know that she has made positive impact on you.

10.) Don’t Be Possessive

Being possessive is not a good sign. You like her and you don’t like when someone flirt with her. Keep in mind, she is not your girlfriend. So never prevent her from talking or meeting with other guys. Don’t behave possessively.

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