My parents are away since early this morning leaving me and my younger sister at home alone for the weekend im 19 she is 22. We have always been close and I have had my thoughtd about her but I never thought this would happen! She went to a party about 5 ish and has just come home somewhat tipsy and came into my room as I watch TV I asked her what she was doing and she said you know what I’m doing. She crawled up to the head of my bed and stuck her tongue in my mouth as her hand grabbed my dick through my shorts. She said what’s this and I said ha sorry about that. She said no I want it. She pulled down my shorts and boxers and to my surprise her mouth went all the way to the base of my dick! It felt so good to be working my sisters mouth up and down with my hand on the back of her head I pushed her down as I came in her mouth she sat up and looked at me as she swallowed my whole load she said thanks for that and walked out of my room all I can think about is going in her room and returning the favour or fucking her I really want to its all I can think of!
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