How to Approach a Girl?

In this article, we will tell you how to approach a girl. You may be facing difficulties in approaching a girl you really like. Even the slightest thought of it may have been sweating your palms and racing your heart. You may have filled with utter confusion on what to say, how to behave, where to start the conversation and many other things. It is possible that you may face rejection but the fear of rejection should not keep you from approaching that girl. There are several tips for approaching a girl in a decent manner. You may try out some to get the girl you like.

How to Approach a Girl

Tips on How to Approach a Girl:

1) Calm Your Anxiety before Approaching a Girl

You may feel anxious when you try to approach a girl. It happens due to lack of experience in talking to a girl. It also can happen due to the low self-esteem and the fear of running out of things to say after approaching her. You may correct it by approaching her at a party, class or sports event. You may discuss on some current topic and till then you will gain enough confidence to come to the point.

2) Make Eye Contact to Approach a Girl

Make an eye contact with that girl whom you want to approach. After making eye contact with her several times, you may notice her behavior. If she wants you to approach her then she will gaze at you. You can take it as a positive sign and you may proceed to talk to her. But if she has turned her sight away from you then this could be a negative sign. Do not get disappointed as there can be various reasons behind it. She may be going through a tough time.

3) Don’t Fear Rejection while Approaching a Girl

The girl to whom you are approaching will never make fun of you with her friends. She may respond to your approach either in a neutral way or in a positive way. There is no point fearing the rejection. She would love the fact that someone is approaching her. It makes her feel good. Moreover, until and unless you approach her then only you get to know about her response. Keep your self-esteem and confidence high.

4) Act Fast while Approaching a Girl

You should not over-think about it. As soon as you get the feeling to approach a girl just do it with great confidence. Walk with softer steps and keep your stature taller. It will make you look much more confident than you actually are. Do not elongate your first meeting. Try to act fast and keep your conversation short. A long introductory meeting can go against you and she may start avoiding you.

5) Get Contact Details when You Approach a Girl

It is quite a tough thing for some guys to take out the contact details of the girl they are approaching to. Basically, they don’t know how and when to ask for it between their conversation. If you are approaching a girl in a public place or in a club or bar then you should get her number fast. You should do it after getting her attention and confirming that she is interested in you. Simply, ask her for the number so that you may keep in touch with her in future. You may ask for her email-id or business card if you want to keep it formal.

6) Don’t Invade Her Personal Space to Approach a Girl

It is the most common mistake made by the guys while approaching a girl. They place them before her just like they are giving an interview. They also stand too close to them in most of the cases. This could make her feel insecure and threatened. It looks like as if you are invading her personal space. You should approach a girl either sideways or talk to her above your shoulder. Maintain a minimum distance from her.

7) Give Compliment on Approaching a Girl

You may compliment her about her dress or style or energy. In this way, you will not look like just-another-guy. It is a way of giving compliment indirectly. If at all you say her that she is beautiful or her eyes are mesmerizing then she could find it boring. She may be hearing it from every other person. Avoid excessive complimenting her as it may look offensive and intruding.

8) Have a Conversation to Approach a Girl

You may start your conversation with an ice-breaker compliment or comment. After that, go on telling her that she looks quite friendly and warm. If you are in a library or in a bookstore then you may talk about his favorite book and author. If she is wearing a shirt having some quote or picture printed on it then you may use the information to start a conversation. Act normally and listen to what she is saying. This will make her feel comfortable talking to you.

9) Ask Her for a Date after Getting Her Number

If you have succeeded in getting her number then you may ask her for a date. You can simply ask if she is interested in meeting over a cup of coffee you can ask this by texting her. Choose a public place to meet her on the first date. This will make her feel comfortable and safer. Further, you can ask her if she knows about any good coffee shop nearby. She could suggest you some places and she will feel in control of the situation. This could be a better way to approach a girl.

10) Show Respect While Approaching a Girl

You should respect a girl even if she is not interested in you. If you are approaching a girl in public place and it turns out to be a rejection from her side then accept it and back off. You should not thrash her for this or show your frustration in front of everyone. This will only ruin your image. Every girl has a different taste for guys or no taste at all.

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