How to Make a Girl Jealous?

Jealousy is a very strong emotion. Making a girl jealous is probably one of the easiest tasks which can be effortlessly accomplished. People easily get possessive and insecure for the person they love and it eventually transforms into jealousy. When a girl gets jealous it makes easy for you to know that how much she is into you. It would be great to see a girl going head over heals to be with you, isn’t it? Yes! that would be a wonderful feeling but in order to make this happen, you will have to make a girl jealous. There are times you don’t even know what’s wrong with your girl like everything seems fine and then suddenly she is going all crazy and angry without any valid reason. This is because she is actually jealous and the reason can be anything, simply anything.

Knowing what makes a girl jealous would also help you to avoid situations which may lead to tensions between you both. Does it make you happy when she gets jealous? It gives a clear indication that she is very serious about you and you mean a lot to her. According to psychologists, jealousy tends to completely ruin a relationship if not countered and dealt with. If you want to make a girl jealous and get her back, then we are here to guide you through every step on how to make a girl Jealous?

How to Make a Girl Jealous

Follow These Steps to Make a Girl Jealous

1. Ignore Her to Make a Girl Jealous & Want You More

Well, it is not easy to ignore someone whom you want to be with but if you really want to make her jealous, you will have to do it no matter what. Stop complimenting her and try to avoid looking at her eyes. Do not do sweet gestures which may make her feel special. This will make her go crazy and she will start anticipating that what has actually happened. Feeling of jealousy would also trigger inside her mind. It might also make her think that you are seeing some other girl. Try not to answer her calls, let her wait for a while to make her realize your importance. If you are the one to initiate conversation every time then wait for her to make the first attempt.

2. Start Talking Short to Make a Girl Jealous

I know all you want is to talk with her all day long but that won’t help if you are trying to make her jealous and want to know what’s cooking in her mind. If you want her to be jealous you have to control your feelings and refrain yourself from talking to her, unless something important comes up. Make her feel that you are not interested in her. This would make her yearn more for you. Avoid having a long conversation with her, you will also have to stop initiating a conversation to have every time with her. Let her initiate the conversation between the both. Slowly start cutting a few minutes from the time span taken to talk to her. Soon you will realize that you have started talking less with her. This will force her to think, why are you doing so? eventually leaving her thinking about you and realizing your importance in her life.

3. Talk to Other Girls to Make a Girl Jealous

Pay attention more to other girls when she is around. Go and talk to other girls, try to pretend that you are happy and enjoying their company, even if you are not. You can also try holding hands or even hug other female friends, this will make your girl resemble a fireball, flaming with jealousy. When she will see you talking to other girls she will burst from anger, eventually coming back to you and this would make your work easier to make her feel jealous. Talking to other girls and not paying attention to her words would not be easy for her to handle. Therefore, if you want to make a girl jealous , then talk more to her friends and devote more time for other female friends than spending it with your girl.

4. Cancel Plans to Make a Girl Jealous that You Like

Once you start ignoring her, she will call you and try to make plans with you. Do not go out with her at any cost. Say her that you are busy or you have to go out with someone else as you have other plans. Repeat this for at least two-three times. This will help to unveil what is going on in her mind and also try to pay attention to her body language. The way she looks at you. Is she really interested in you? If she is getting jealous and exaggerating stuff out then be sure that she has some feelings for you too.

5. Compliment Other Girls to Make a Girl Jealous and Want You More

Do not compliment your girl even if she resembles one of your favorite celebs. Although she may anticipate or expect your compliment, but all you need to do is to control your emotions. If can even be the possibility that she is all dressed up just to impress you. Let her wait for your reaction, meanwhile, you can compliment other girls around you or one of her female friends. When you will not compliment her it will make her feel bad. When you realize that she is all heartbroken, go and comfort her by giving a good complimenting. This will make her feel better and will also not ruin the whole gameplay of making her feel jealous. Remember not to overdo on things as it can ruin the relationship.

6. Pay More Attention to Your Other Female Friends

Whenever she is around, pay attention to her female friends more over her. Ask her about her female friend, make plans and insist meeting her friend. You can also invite her while making plans to hang out with your girl. When you are all together, treat them very well. Remember not to mistreat any of the girls, as apart from being a boyfriend you are a gentleman as well. But do not show much interest in your girl, this will definitely make her feel jealous and she will burst out of anger. To spice things up you can even offer to pay for her friend’s cab and buy her drinks. Your plans will not only work up to make your girl feel jeloous but will also affect her feelings for you. This is because when you act kind to her friend, this will eventually make her friend praise you for the gentleman behaviour. Indeed, everything will lead you towards a positive direction.

7. Make a Girl Jealous Using Social Media

Flood all her friend’s pictures with likes and comments. Pick the hottest friend among all as this will work up more flame inside your girl, eventually making her feel jealous. This is how you can utilize facebook in making her feel jealous. Upload pictures with your female friends instead of her. Add a few post about how much you miss your friends(all females) do not mention the name in particular. Stay online even if you are not chatting with someone and when she messages, reply after a few minutes. Give excuses that intentionally appear lame, like “I didn’t see I was busy talking to one of my close friend”. These little actions of yours might work, eventually making her confess her true feelings for you or she might even feel that how important you are to her. Making a girl jealous through texts is also a great idea. You need not reply to each and every text and make her wait to get your reply.

Following these tips would make a girl jealous if she is interested in you. By getting her jealous you would know how much you are important to her and can plan your next move accordingly. Do not overdo it. If you want her in your life then do it only to an extent. Overdoing it might make her feel like moving on and getting over you. So, only do it for fun or the purpose of knowing what she actually thinks of you.

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