How to Tell a Girl You Like Her?

When you like someone, you want to tell her by any means. The best way to tell a girl you like her is not by telling her but it is by doing some things that would let her know without telling her. Always keep in mind, actions speak louder than words. Admitting your feelings to a girl can be exciting and terrifying. Even you are a wonderful guy who is worthy of dating a girl but you need a way to win a girl’s heart. When you like a girl, it is important to reveal your feelings in your heart immediately. Never say it directly. First, try to read her mind because it will save you from a painful rejection. If you want to date a girl then don’t reveal your intention until you find a girl is already interested in you too. Here are some tips that will help you to tell a girl you like her.

How to Tell a Girl You Like Her

Best Tips to Tell a Girl You Like Her:

1.) Get to Know Her First to Make a Move

Before getting romantic, you should know her first. Consider why you like her. It is important to make her feel comfortable with you. Try to be friendly and establish a respectful and kind friendship with the girl you like. She will be more likely to like you back.

  • Hang out with her to develop a connection.
  • If she doesn’t seem interested then try to spend more time with her.

2.) Talk Her About Common Interest and Share Common Interest

Find things that you both can enjoy. It could be a sport, hobby, movie, musical style or anything. By starting a conversation with her is the only way to build a relationship together. Make sure your conversation should be a bit funny. Tell her something about yourself and ask her also.

3.) Keep Yourself Clean and Well Dressed to Look Good

Maintaining your hygiene is important to care for yourself. Take a shower, use deodorant, brush your hair and try to be clean and tidy. Wear your favorite shirt and comb your hair. Looking your best will help you to feel your best. Don’t avoid things like fingernails and facial hair. Keep everything tidy and trim. Smell good but don’t overdo it.

4.) Smile and Keep Your Head Up to Show Your Confidence

Smiling is the way to express happiness and girls want to be with someone who is carefree and happy. The sign of strong body language is easy. You need to keep your head up, spine straight and shoulders back. Combine these steps with a good smile and it is proven to be the effective form of flirting you have. This is the good way to tell a girl you like her.

5.) Talk to Her in Person to Tell a Girl You Like Her

Many girls prefer talking face to face and not to call her on the phone. If you call her then she might think that you are not confident to ask her in person.

  • If you find that phone is the only way to ask her then go for it. Remember, you will make a big impression in person.
  • If you ask a friend to do it then it has a chance of backfiring. Again, she will think that you are not confident to tell her in person.
  • Don’t tell her over chat or IM if it is possible. Telling her face to face will make you seem more confident and brave but it also shows her that you respect her.

6.) Look at Her in the Eyes to Tell a Girl You Like Her

Don’t stare at her. Looking her into eyes has a way to tell her that you are completely focused on her and she grabs your attention. It will also give her a chance to look into your eyes, too. Most of the girls think that eyes are the most attractive part of the face.

  • Be real because she will like the real you than someone you pretend to be.
  • Don’t try to say anything too flirty because she may know whether you actually mean it.
  • Don’t say anything stupid unless you are sure she is going to laugh. Try to make her laugh at a good joke. Girls love a good sense of humor. It shows her that you like fun.

7.) Say Her that You Like Her

Saying her that you like her is not an easy task. Don’t need to look like Tom Cruise and talk like Shakespeare or plan a wedding proposal. Don’t hesitate and don’t waste a lot of time to think. Don’t be afraid of being rejected. You just say her “I Like You.” Don’t think much, simply count to five in your head and tell yourself that whatever you are going to say the words, say it. When you talk to her, use positive thoughts and tell yourself “she is going to say yes”. This will help you to calm down.

8.) Let Her Say on Her Own

This is very hard for you but she needs some time to think about your words. Asking questions or butting in doesn’t help you. If she also likes you back then it is not easy to say that you like someone or maybe she has not thought about it. Don’t force her to take a decision. Simply ask her out on a date, this will allow her to find out whether she likes you or not. If the chemistry is not there on her side then wait a while and try to develop a friendship first. Respect her decision, whatever it is. If she doesn’t like you then don’t cry and put yourself down.

9.) Give Her Some Space

Give her time, so that she will get to know you better. You might get a chance to spend more time with her. If she feels that you are stalking her or you are clingy then you are going to hurt your chances. Don’t make her feel like that you have expectations. Be her good friend.

10.) Be Open to Other Opportunities

If you think that she will never give you a chance then move on. Life is so beautiful, give it a second chance. There are many girls that might be compatible with you. Open your eyes to new challenges and new possibilities. If you are really meant to be then she will definitely come back to you.

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