How To Forget Your Crush And Move On With Your Life

There are times when you will need to move on, especially if your crush is off the market.

It will be hard, at first, but with time and persistence, you will be able to cure yourself of the person you’ve admired from afar.

No matter what, you will need to adjust your mindset. Here’s how to forget your crush and peacefully continue living like nothing ever happened.

Admit that you have a crush

Woman gazing at a man in a library

The first step is always about realization. When you realize he may not have the same feelings for you as you do for him, it will be easier to admit that you have a crush.

It can be difficult, but you’ll be amazed how much this makes a difference. Liken it to sucking out the venom from a snake bite. It’s definitely worth a try.

Much like ripping a band-aid off of a healing cut, admitting you have a crush begins your healing process. Your heart is resilient…it will recover no matter what.


Discover His Secret Obsession

Learn about his Secret Obsession and make any man completely addicted to you… [continued here]

Accept your circumstances

Accepting your situation is the second part of your healing process. You’ve seen that the circumstances surrounding your crush have probably been less than ideal and you need to move on.

Perhaps your crush wasn’t as compatible as you thought…or maybe you found out he’s married and off the market. Either way, signs have manifested that you need to forget about him.

Stubbornness is the enemy. You can’t refuse to give up your crush and then live in denial. It will cause you trouble further along.

You need to accept your circumstances if you are going to move on with your life. Eventually, you will be glad that your crush didn’t evolve into something more serious.

Don’t take things personally

In this situation, it’s important to not internalize anything that you face. Just because he isn’t into you doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong with you.

You’re still the same, wonderful girl that you were before you began your crush. You didn’t do anything wrong and there is someone out there that will reciprocate your feelings on your terms.

A guy can’t control his feelings no more than you can. If you reverse the roles and look at it from your crush’s perspective, you will understand his situation.

Again, don’t take it personally. An unrequited crush is not a personal indictment. It will be hard but you will move on. Don’t give up on yourself in the meantime.

Be honest with yourself

dreamy look of a young woman with curly hair in a mirror

Be upfront with yourself about your feelings and how your crush has affected you, whether positively or negatively. You need to look at things honestly, no matter how much it hurts.

Once you see things clearly with your own eyes, it will become easier to process and much easier to heal.

Nothing is worse than denial. Denial leads to serious consequences. You don’t want to become the girl living out in a fantasy world.

When you lose touch with reality, you lose touch with yourself and you are much too important to ruin your life over an unrequited crush.

Dwelling on it is not productive

Is there someone close to you who can keep you from dwelling on the fact that you won’t “get your man”?

Friends are a great resource when it comes to helping you forget your problems and heartbreaks. Distraction is a great technique to help you when you’re moving on, and who better to help you than your best friend?

It can involve anything, from sharing a pint of ice cream, to having a night out on the town. When your mind is far away from your troubles, it will be easier to erase them from your memory, especially in regards to your unrequited crush. That’s what friends are for, isn’t it?

Dwelling on a negative situation is never healthy. You will become depressed and land yourself in a rut that you’ll be unable to get out of.

So, go out with your friends, enjoy a few drinks and dance the night away! Your so-called crush will become a distant memory.

In addition, abandon all hopes that he will change his feelings for you. Holding out on hope will never give you that happy ending, so you need to be prepared to let go.

Pipe dreams are called pipe dreams for a reason. Over time, you will feel better.

Anger is never healthy

There’s no need to be angry at your crush for not thinking of you the same way. It’s counter-productive to your healing process.

Instead, you need to make sure that your emotions stay stable and calm. Your head will remain clear and you will navigate your path with more ease than if it were clouded with anger.

Remember, a human cannot control who he/she likes. There’s no use in getting angry because he doesn’t return your feelings.

It’s not a valid reason for anything. Just let it go and move on. No need to succumb to any volatile emotions.

Reflections of me

Now that your crush is ending, why not take some me time and reflect upon yourself?

Don’t ask yourself what could have been or what you did. It’s normal to want to reflect on everything that happened and all of your interactions with your crush.

Just reflect for a little while, there’s no need for you to dwell on it for days.

Me time is incredibly important. It’s a great time to get to know yourself again. Also, with me time comes healing. Relax and reflect.

Avoid thinking about him

Portrait of a beautiful girl reading book in cafe

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